
Archive for April, 2010

First run back

Yesterday I went for my first “run” since the half marathon. The day before I did a Spin class and my legs felt pretty good. Then yesterday morning when I woke up I was going to hit the gym, but I didn’t sleep well at all and decided to sleep in for a while longer. I was pretty grumpy about missing my work out, but I knew I needed the sleep plus my IT band was acting up a little.

I went to my LAST day of class as an undergrad! Unfortunately, it was a very frustrating morning, but I won’t bore you with that…Anyway, I got off work early and it was a beautiful day. I wanted to let off some steam from the morning’s frustrations and go for a run. When I got home my best friend/roommate was sitting in the living room and I asked her if she wanted to join me. I told her she could set our pace and she agreed. I was very excited to have a running buddy! We decided to walk down to the trail where I did a lot of my training for the half marathon. When we got down there, Danielle said she was ready to run, so we set off at a comfortable pace. We kept it light and maintained our conversation for about a mile when Danielle said she would rather walk. We ended up doing a total of about 6 miles for our walk. I left my Garmin at home, and it felt really nice to be “unplugged”, but I know roughly where the mile markers are on the trail since I’ve run it so many times. We’ve both been so busy with school/work/life that it was sooo nice to just be out in the fresh air catching up with each other!

Best Friend and Me

When we got home my legs felt really weird. I think I overdid it a bit with the 6 miles…I mean I did run a half marathon 4 days before, so it was kind of stupid. This morning I went to another Spin class to try and spin out my legs. They felt much better after! The class was with an instructor I’ve never had before and when I got there another girl told me it’s not the greatest class and that she just goes because it’s better than nothing. I told her thanks for the warning but didn’t think it could be that bad. Well, I was wrong because out of all the Spinning classes I’ve ever taken this was probably the worst one ever. The instructor only spoke at the beginning of each song and then didn’t say another word til the next one and her music was horrible. Think Greenday remixes…yeah that bad. I was still glad I went though because I think it really helped my legs.

This weekend will be full of celebrations! Tonight I’ll be celebrating the last day of classes EVER. Then tomorrow I’m off to NYC to celebrate Mom’s birthday! Hope everyone else can find something to celebrate this weekend 🙂


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