
Archive for September, 2010

Recovery Run

This morning I woke up early before work to go for a nice, short run– my first since the race. When my alarm went off I literally said out loud “oh my god. rude.” I did not want to get up, my bed was so cozy. But I told myself I could either run or study, but not sleep. Obviously running won and I was quickly out the door.

I struggled to get in a good rhythm today. I could tell my legs weren’t quite ready to run again. My arches were both bothering me (maybe from my new kicks) and my left calf hurt, which was a new one. 😕

I just did 3 miles this morning because I wanted to give myself a little break. Then I cooled down with .42 miles of walking til I got home. The splits:

Mile 1: 11:25
Mile 2: 10:44
Mile 3: 10:07
0.42 7:40

At least it was negative splits, that counts for something, right?!

I completely forgot to write about the awesome race present Vic gave me. I got us both 13.1 charms for the first race and she got me another one to add to my bracelet!

Sole Sisters!

Well, I’m off to study since I didn’t this morning!


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Time for a recap of half marathon 2!

On Friday (September 17), I found out that I get out of work at 3 through the end of October (I know!) so I headed to the race expo right after work. It was a huge expo but I just buzzed through it because I do NOT need to spend anymore money on running gear. I picked up my bib number, shoe tag, and tech tee and headed home.

Count down!

Saturday night I went to bed relatively early and I ended up waking up at 12:30 thinking it was morning and jumped out of bed. When I realized I still had 5 more hours til I had to get up I went back to sleep. At 5:30 I got up for real and got ready for the race!

Mom and Vic were troopers and woke up early too to drive me downtown to the race. I was the first person in my corral and I had an hour to kill before the race started. I ended up chatting with a few different people about trail running and other races. One woman had on Vibram Fivefingers and I talked to her about those (turns out they would most likely amplify my running injuries, so no barefoot running for me).

Five fingers

Eventually it was time to start! It was 8:00 and we were still standing completely still in our corral. 10 minutes later we started moving slowly. I crossed the start line around 8:20! Then we were off!

I started out at a comfortable pace and at a little under a mile I approached the Comcast Center where I spotted Mom and Vic!

I was too fast though and they only caught a picture of my back ha

I continued on, feeling good and passed the first water station right in front of my office building! We raced through the city and it was pretty fun to see all the places I am familiar with. Before I knew it I was hitting mile 5 and I was on Kelly Drive. A little after the 10k mark Mom and Vic were waiting for me again. They ran alongside me for about a tenth of a mile or so. All the pictures came out really blurry, the best shot they got was of me running away again.

Running away at mile 6.5

I was feeling great until mile 9, when I started to feel burnt out and I could tell my IT bands weren’t too happy with me. For the last 4 miles I struggled a bit and took some walking breaks when I needed them. At one point right around mile 9 I saw a couple maintaining a slow but steady pace and I kept my eye on them for the rest of the race, if they started to get too far away I would pick up my pace. If I passed them I knew it was okay to take a little walking break.

At the 20k mark I knew I would beat the time of the first half even if I walked, so I let myself just do what was comfortable. I could have pushed harder, but maybe that’s what half marathon number 3 will be for!

Then, I crossed the finish line! My Garmin said that I only ran 12.77 miles, but I know that it’s not always quite accurate. So my mile splits aren’t exact, but I figured I’d share them anyway. So here are the splits based on 12.77 miles:

Mile 1: 10:22
Mile 2: 10:17
Mile 3: 10:35
Mile 4: 10:35
Mile 5: 10:38
Mile 6: 10:52
Mile 7: 11:07
Mile 8: 11:02
Mile 9: 12:22
Mile 10: 11:19
Mile 11: 12:18
Mile 12: 11:58
0.77 8:29

My official time for the half marathon was 2:21:46. I finished seconds behind the couple I was pacing with and I went up to them to thank them. Then I got my finishers medal and then found Vic, Mom, Mommom, and John. We took some pictures, which is a good thing because the official race pictures sucked. They were all aerial, so I just look like a speck!


Vic, Mom, and Me


In front of the art museum

After, we quickly went home so I could shower and then went out to a celebratory lunch. Then I went over to a running store to get some fresh sneakers since mine were quite worn in. I got the same ones I had before, just the updated version so they are orange now. I’m going to take them for a test run tomorrow!

Overall, a very fun race!


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I don’t even have the pictures back from yesterday’s half marathon. But I just did something extremely impulsive. I had a 12k and a 5k on my radar to do for my next races. But, the more I thought about it, I wasn’t really feeling either of those races. So…I signed up for the Philadelphia Half Marathon on November 21.

Yes I’m crazy.

Race recap from yesterday still to come…


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I did it!

I finished the race! And I did it slightly faster than the first half marathon! Recap to come….

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Last Training Run

This morning I got up at the crack of dawn (well actually earlier) for my very last training run! I was getting kind of bored a little past 1.5 miles so I took a different route than usual. This wasn’t the smartest move because it was so dark so I had to slow down a bit in order to not trip over unfamiliar ground. Oh well…I finished the 5 miles, walked for .34 miles and then hustled to get ready for work. The splits…

Mile 1: 11:01
Mile 2: 10:31
Mile 3: 10:42
Mile 4: 11:17
Mile 5: 10:39
0.34 6:18

So now I have 2 rest days, and then it’s RACE DAY!!! It came up surprisingly fast. I’m a little worried about my foot, but I’ll power through the race and then give it all the TLC it needs.

Happy Feet!

I was looking at the race course the other day and part of the race is on Kelly Drive, unfortunately it’s in the opposite direction as I usually run! I have gotten pretty familiar with the very, very slight inclines (it’s mostly flat) but now I’m going to have to reverse it. I’m pretty sure the steepest part will be at mile 13…evil!

I’m going to go to pick up my bib and other race stuff after work tomorrow. Yay! But for now I have to squeeze in some studying…not yay…


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Moonlight Run

I am completely crazy. I was finished my run by 6:33 am this morning. I woke up well before the sun and headed out in the dark to get in 5 miles before work. It was a little spooky at first, but I saw another runner within minutes of starting out so I felt a little less insane. It was really peaceful being out that early in the morning though.

My morning wasn't quite this pretty

The sun didn’t rise until around mile 4. After I ran the 5 miles I cooled down with .4 miles til I got home. The splits:

Mile 1: 10:45
Mile 2: 10:40
Mile 3: 10:33
Mile 4: 10:50
Mile 5: 10:28
0.4 6:56

I actually hadn’t looked at the splits until just now (12 hours later) and I’m pleasantly surprised even though they aren’t my fave– negative splits.

My foot hurt during the run and I could tell it was effecting my stride. I don’t really know how to fix a sore arch though! Hopefully I can hold out til race day.

After the run I quickly got ready for work and once I got into town I bought a large coffee (I didn’t have time to make any at home). I usually don’t drink that much coffee and my hands were shaky all morning!

I have had my eye on my next race, and I was really excited about it, but I’m not sure there are enough hours in the day to work, study, have a social life and train for races. I’ll have to put some thought into that one…


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Running Buddy

I didn’t feel 100% better, but I decided to go running today. If I want to do the race next week I need to run at least a little! I was looking at the course map and I know I HAVE to run this race. I’m way too excited about it! I slept really late today (something I hardly ever do!) but luckily the weather was nice and cool (though a tad humid), so I went in the afternoon.

Just as I was about to get ready for my run Mom called to say she was on her way home and was going to the gym after. I asked her to come with me instead! It was perfect because I wanted to go nice and easy today, and Mom slowed me down…in a good way!! Today’s slow, steady, and most importantly injury free splits:

Mile 1: 11:57
Mile 2: 11:53
Mile 3: 12:12
Mile 4: 10:30
0.47 7:36

At mile 3.5, I told Mom I would meet her at the end, and I sprinted it out for about a half mile. Then I walked back hoping to find her, I finally spotted her walking away from where I was and sprinted down the street again to catch up with her. It was a great run! The arch of my foot hurt a little bit, and I’m going to go ice it now. Also, my IT band is a little bit sore. But my back feels fine! Yay!

As we were running along I realized that this pace might actually be perfect for next week. Going more slowly I don’t need to take walking breaks and I make my risk of injury much, much lower. I’m going to try my hardest to go the slow and steady route for next week!

I start work tomorrow…so there are things to be done!


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Chain Reaction

So, remember how I said I twisted my ankle, but it wasn’t that bad? Well I lied. It has spiraled into the end of my half marathon (possibly) 😦 Let’s back up to yesterday morning.

I had been feeling some minor pain in the arch of my foot since my 10 mile run on Monday, but it wasn’t bad enough to stop me from heading out for a 5 mile run on Thursday morning. I geared up and hit the road on a gorgeous, cool morning. About a mile and a half into my run my lower back started to hurt. I pushed through for another half mile, and then I doubled over in pain. I walked for a while and then my back felt better. So I ran some more, then it started to hurt again, and since I was close to home I cut my run short at 4.3 miles.

I showered and got dressed and started packing for Aunt Joan’s house (we were going there last night for Rosh Hashanah). In the middle of packing I had to lie down because my back hurt so much. When I got up I couldn’t even stand straight. Then we got in the car for 2+ hours to get to Joan’s. When we got there Mom asked Joan if her friend Paula was coming to dinner, which she was. Paula is a masseuse and I ended up going over to her place later in the day so she could work on my back.

Turns out that I basically did everything wrong (finished my run, didn’t take Advil (for anti-inflamatory purposes), sat in the car). I decided that this whole back thing stemmed from twisting my ankle, which led to the pain in my arch, which led to not being able to stand up straight. Minor–> major. Paula said my entire right side was inflamed (same side as my ankle). She worked on my back for a little while, and it felt a-maz-ing. I asked if the half marathon will still be possible. Looks like we’ll have to wait and see… 😕 For now I have to take it easy, and NO running. If in a day or 2 I feel better, we’ll reassess…

Cross your fingers for me! Please!


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Tough Ten

Last night I went to bed so excited for this morning’s run. I was seriously looking forward to it. My plan was to do the Kelly Drive loop, maybe tacking on a few miles at the end depending on how I felt. I woke up ready to run and headed down to the Drive.

It started off good…for about 3/4 of a mile. And then it all went downhill from there. I twisted my ankle at around 3/4 of a mile. I was able to keep running since it wasn’t too bad, but still just a bad omen for the rest of the run. Then I started taking walking breaks, which is something I have come to terms with, but they were too frequent and too long.

Around mile 4.8 I stopped at a water fountain to refill my Camelbak and I got hit with a wave of nausea (I was going to call this post nauseous nine, but I ended up doing 10 miles…gotta love alliterations). I sat down on this ledge on the side of the path to regroup, I felt incredibly icky. I figured I had to make it back to my car somehow so I tried to start running again but my head was pounding, so I walked. A lot.

By the time I got to the end of the loop I was feeling much better and went out and back to get to 9 miles (again with some walking). Then a thought popped into my head. I wanted to run up the art museum steps! I stopped at my car to grab my phone and walked over to the art museum (about a half mile from where I was parked). Then I ran up the steps, stopped to take some pictures, and walked back to my car to get to a total of 10.03 miles.

Sky Line

Art Museum

Comcast Center

It took a freaking long time. But I did it, so that’s okay! Here were my slow splits, with tons of walking in there:

Mile 1: 9:40
Mile 2: 10:26
Mile 3: 11:46
Mile 4: 12:24
Mile 5: 12:20
Mile 6: 15:47
Mile 7: 12:25
Mile 8: 11:25
Mile 9: 13:26
Mile 10.03: 18:15

I was wearing my Team in Training singlet from the first race and I had a ton of people yell “go team!” as I was running. It certainly is a good motivator!

I’m in countdown mode. The race is in less than 2 weeks. I feel really under trained, and I was talking to Vic about it and hopefully I will get a burst of race day adrenaline to help me finish. I don’t want to think about if that doesn’t happen! 😯

Another countdown: I start work in 1 week! Ah! I’m almost a real person!


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Labor Day Weekend

Gotta make this snappy! Vic is home for Labor Day weekend and I need to study a bit before I can hang out with my favorite sister! I was supposed to do a 5 miler yesterday morning, but Thursday night I went to a concert in NYC with my best friend and we only got about 3 hours of sleep…so that wasn’t happening.

The Damnwells

I ended up going out last night too and when my alarm went off I was still way too sleepy to head out for my run. So I went back to bed for an hour because I knew it wasn’t going to be too hot today. I woke up an hour later feeling much better! I did 5 miles plus a .7 mile cool down. The splits:

Mile 1: 10:47
Mile 2: 10:35
Mile 3: 10:25
Mile 4: 10:12
Mile 5: 9:06
0.7 13:16

Negative splits ❤

Happy Labor Day Weekend!


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